Big Story Chapter 3: The Box of Bad Guys
We are on Chapter 3! (New here? Read the story in order here) We are already going to be crossing the line of a lot of violence and bodily functions this chapter, so good job kids!
Jenna, age 11 sent in this image of an evil fairy, which you will see introduced below.

According to Jenna "Her name is Livie Marrow. She got bitten by a zombie and bitten by a vampire. She shoots Lasers out of her fingernails. If you touch her wings you will pass out. Her teeth are very sharp and will bite your head off."
And now, onto the the the story!
Chapter 3:
The Box of Bad Guys
The first thing that came out of the box was a bunch of Fairy Monsters. They screamed, "We want revenge!" (Jenna, age 11)

Shooter shot the fairies with his ice gun to freeze them. And he uses his snot gun too. (Cash, age 3)
Emily used her super scream.

The fairies were all frozen, their ears hurt and they were covered in snot. But there were more bad guys coming out of the box.
There was a bad guy named Donedee. A giant shark who sits on a merry ground and eats and drinks. (Xander, age 4)

Steve defeated him by using his ability to turn into a humongous dinosaur. The biggest T-Rex. He stomped on Donedee and he roared super loud. "ROOOOOOOOOAR!" (Parveneh, age 5)

Side note: When Steve works as a voice actor, he just screams. Anytime someone needs somebody to scream, that's when he gets a job. He does it as a T rex. that's why he's so good at screaming for a job. (Parveneh, age 5)

Anyway, there were two more bad guys who came out. They were both dogs. One was named Pertle - a dog who bites and rides a scary motorcycle. (Xander, age 4)

And the other was named Pootle - a dog who has a fire and lava sword. They both shoot lava, ice and poo poo. (Xander, age 4)

Martha turned into a crime fighter. She fights crime by using sleeping gas to make the bad guys fall asleep.* (Chloe, age 4)

*(The gas may or may not come in the form of a fart. The reason for the confusion about whether or not the sleeping gas comes from farts is due to Chloe saying that's where they come from, but she also believes girls don't fart, even though she does it all the time. So it created a paradox for her and she couldn't give a clear answer on where the sleeping gas came from.)
After defeating all the bad guys from the box, the Cherry family examined the package. They realized that the address was from a mysterious neighbor that stayed locked up in his house all day.
(Jenna, age 11)

Who was this person, and why was he trying to ruin their party?
I would love you to ask your kids what happens next. A few suggested questions (but ask anything you want. The more questions you ask, the better)...
Who is the guy in the house?
What did the Cherry Family (or one of the family members) do in the past that made this guy mad?
What is the Cherry family going to do about it?
Since this guy probably expects them to come to his house, what is his evil plan for when they arrive?
That's all for now. Thanks for reading. If you enjoy this site, please share it (links below), and Buy or review my books on Amazon.
P.S. I'm still looking for more Finish this Scene entries. I don't care if the answer is one word!